Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Running your Business like a game of Monopoly Part IV Community Chest

The yellow cards in Monopoly represent community outreach. Giving back should be the heart of any successful enterprise. When we reach out to others that is when we are truly fulfilled. I am often asked questions about the best charity to give back to. My answer is simple...your heart will tell you. There are so many non-profits and charitable groups in need at this time-think of one that is close to your mission and goals.
My company has a business model that is built on uplifting others in Diversity, Self-esteem and Literacy. I choose groups that support my model. Build great relationships with these partners and determine how much you can give monetarily and time-wise.
Now is a great time to map out your outreach goals and find out how your company can help.
If you have employees don't be afraid to ask them if their is a cause close to their hearts. Giving back is vital and who you give back to makes a huge difference in your corporate vision and imprint. If you are free on January 3rd we are having our first Personal Development Class of the year. We hope that you can join us (Biggby Coffee/Northville) at 6:30 for an hour of goal setting, mind mapping and growth. If you are a premier member this is a free class! Please see the side panel to save your spot.
The BWBB is open to any and everyone who believes in positive networking.

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