Monday, August 2, 2010

The Art of Delegation....

When you hear the word delegate do you shudder? If so this post is for you. Do you feel as though delegating is great but you wish that you could do it more effectively and with better results? This post is for you. Are you reading these words on the screen right now? Well guess what? This post is also for you.

Delegation is one of the most important skills in business. How are you using it to your advantage? What can you do to make sure that when you delegate a task that it doe snot make you nervous or uncomfortable? I've got some tips to make you see how the art of delegation can take your life to the next level and prevent you from having it become a obstacle that is not worth the trouble. How often have you thought...I can just do this myself?!

Many of us have felt like this at one time or another. The beauty of delegation is that the reward is two-fold. We get to have assistance in finishing tasks as we train a person to help we are actually becoming teachers. Delegation is not selfish-it is selfless and necessary to move to the next level.

-Before delegation decide how to define your task.Is it suitable to be delegated?

-Find the right person that matches the objective that you want to be achieved.

-Does this person match the skill level needed to complete the task?

-clearly communicate what you need to the person doing the task for you

-Ask questions to make sure they understand

-Be open to their questions to make sure they understand

-do they have everything they need? offer critical feedback and info

-Agree on a deadline

-Monitor the person and check in with them to see how it is going

Delegation is a awesome tool if used correctly. For more info on delegation and training or on the Black Women In Business Brainstorm please feel free to email

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